
Final Exam Study Guide and Interview Question information

You can read the Final Exam study guide at the link below. It also contains the Final Exam Interview question, which I will also post below AND send to your email. FINAL EXAM INTERVIEW QUESTION     Tell me about your plans for the summer. Be sure to use BOTH the Present Continuous and the Simple Present when giving me your answer     Your answer should have at least TWO examples EACH of Present Perfect AND Simple Present

Unit 6 slides

 Unit 6 slides can be seen here

Amazing facts task

 For next week, we will continue our discussion that began on page 46. On page 46 we talked about reacting to interesting, amazing and surprising news that somebody might tell you. I will write an example dialogue below. Student A - Did you know that McDonalds sells 75 hamburgers around the world every second? Student B - Seriously???  For next class, I would like you to complete the following task. Find some amazing, interesting and surprising facts that you could share with a friend, coworker or other person you know. Write these down on some writing paper and bring them to class next week. During our class discussion time, we will share these facts with our partners and practice reacting to them just the same as the dialogue I posted above.

Unit 5 slides and information

 We will be looking at Unit 5 in our next class. I have posted slides and other information below. Unit 5 slides Unit 5 - comparisons with nouns and verbs Making Questions with comparisons

Writing Homework 6

 You can view Writing Homework 6 at the link below

Midterm Retries information

You may retry up to TWO questions on your midterm if you wish to improve your score. Simply complete the following steps 1. Take a picture of your OLD answers AND score for the question you want to retry 2. Send me that picture AND send me your NEW answers in an email message, along with your name, number and class day *Hello teacher. My name is ..., my number is ...., my class day is ....* *I want to retry question ....from the midterm* I will post a quick guide to some of the questions in the link below